Stones River National Battlefield was established as a national park unit in 1927 to comemmorate the December 31, 1862, and January 2, 1863 Civil War Battles of Stones River near Murfreesboro, Tennessee. This Cultural Landscape Report involved preparation of a detailed physical history of the 570-acre site, existing conditions documentation, comparative analysis of historic and existing conditions, and significance evaluation, as well as a treatment plan.
A primary goal of the CLR was to provide detailed treatment recommendations regarding possible mitigation strategies for the encroachment of residential, commercial, and industrial development planned along the park’s boundaries. Treatment recommendations were also prepared for Fortress Rosecrans, a massive Federal fortification designed to protect a vital transportation hub and a multitude of warehouses that held supplies for the campaign. |
Client: National Park Service
Prime Consultant: Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
JMA Project Manager: Liz Sargeant
JMA Historical Landscape Architect: Krista L. Schneider |